Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dandelion Mind Control Victum

Well, to make a point sometimes you have to show inconsistancies and other errors in the opposition's position. Ok, lets take this classic typical example of what is out there online.


Ok, first thing I noticed is the old date. 1996, early web, and all those who have worked online over the many years have posted things we would like to reconsider or recant. Brian may be one and yet this article stands, so we assume he is still living in the last Millenium.

He reviews the history but without getting at the real truth of this plant's real history and symbiosis which has existed since at least the last iceage. So without accurate contexural history he misses the point, detaches from humanity's struggle for life, origins of agriculture and our deep relationship with Nature etc.

Then he goes off course again with incomplete medical history and omits well documented uses and long standing herbal uses in every culture that has Dandelions. He of course also omits Canada's modern herbal and nutrition interests, again cutting things off at both ends.

What poll? He just projects the winner, Dandelion's without a shred of evidence, and then declares that most want to get rid of them... (Factoid: Most people can hardly name any weeds beyond a few like Dandelions, Thistles or Ragweed anyway, let alone the Ten Worst.)

By any means available...and right into Herbicides, omitting all other means both old and new. A highly paid shill for the Chemical Cartel could not have done a better hatchet job on Dandelions.

I assume he is not a Chemical Cartel employee, and he appears to be a normal simple person who just has succumbed to the Cartel Mind Control. What I call an MCV, often students who have been well wound up in Turf Mangement Classes or Orgainc Petro Chemisty Class, or something related, and who may mean well but it's so sad, so disconnected with agriculture, herbs, medicine, nature and God. Ok, maybe not God in the Church sense, but in the overall appreciation for God's Creation, this amazing innocent harmless life giving flower.

MCV, Mind Control Victums, they are all over the spectrum, and we hope that this blog can save at least a few from the false neuropathways that have been so deeply ingrained and implanted, (chips are not necessary and already obsolete technology). People can awake from such paths, many have already on a wide variety of issues, many just turn off the TV and Media and take a walk in their neighborhood and woods, or just chill out from the noise for a short while, or take a real vacation from the corporate world, or simply pullback and retreat from the battlefronts the evil powers ruling this planet have thrust us...

Like the War on Weeds, which was based on the need by Chem Cartel to convince people to use terrible chemicals to kill weeds, but which also killed a whole lot of veggies. So those veggies, and plants that have not been exploited, had to be turned into 'weeds' and this was brainwashed into people very deeply and they went right out and started spraying everything in sight. By the 1960's the world had been poisoned, and the horror of Vietnam was a highpoint. Rachel Carlson and others managed to wake many up and yet the phenomenom of Cartel MC persists, even as the Honey Bees are vanishing just as she predicted. Wake the F'k Up People ! We already have 250 chemicals in us now, and those are the only ones they test for, and don't let me go off on Chicom Chemical Warfare !



With Cartels financing all sorts of University "Turf Management" Departments, aka,
"Learn How To Become A Gardener For The Rich And Famous" the level of intensity
of this brainwash is truely extraordinary. I suppose once they fail at farming, they then
become Home Depot Herbicide Salespersons...A real growth industry, as home comsumers
use ten times what farmers would ever use under the worst conditions.


Geez, sorry for that runover sentences ;-) I try to connect too many things at once...

Ok, take a deep breath, its all going to be alright, as these folks in Vermont have found out,

http://www.grunberghaus.com/blog/blog_comment.asp?bi=201 Dandelion Festival ! ;-)

I have seen some real progress, people turning vegetarian with all the horrors of corporate meat. I have seen others turn even further to vegan, and all the horrors of corporate proteins...
Next, I think I will reveil the secret initiation ceremony to become a full blown Herbivore !!!

So if you wish to break free of the Corporate Mind Control I have a simple plan...

Stay tuned

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